Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The End of the Blog

I have gone through my life doing things I shouldn't be doing.  I always have.  I seem to enjoy it.  I enjoy being sneaky--seeing what I can get away with.  I've gotten in trouble time and time again for saying things I shouldn't be saying, doing things I shouldn't be doing, or not doing things I should be doing.  I keep pushing and pushing until something under me snaps and I find myself in serious trouble.

What usually happens is the same sort of thing that happens when you're speeding in your car.  You might do something occasionally (but deliberately) and get away with it, but later, when your guard is down--WHAM!  It comes outta the blue.

I see the same thing happening with this blog.

When I first started it, it was a rebellious and reckless challenge.  I wanted to photograph things at work (forbidden!), mock people at work, and document rampant stupidity at work.  I also knew I had an instant audience by letting certain people in on it from the start.  I saw it as a fun challenge... A place where I could showcase the workplace we are immersed in on a daily basis.   I started it I was cautious and made sure I didn't have anything that could be searchable directly by name.  During that time my guard was up.  I was nervous about it.  Lately, my guard is down and I'm plodding along with no trepidation it seems.  Anything is fair game.  Not only do I take pictures at work, but I've taken pictures of The Brothers themselves!

Then it hit me.  I have a lot to lose by openly criticizing and biting the hand that feeds me.  You'd think a guy over 55 years old would know better, but yet I continue to do the same things.  I've gotten away with it so far.  If they found out what I was doing, saying and documenting I would be drawn and quartered.  No mercy.  I'm pretty sure I would lose my job.  I've already sent plenty of ripples through the LaCroy space/time continuum by stealing their secretary and marrying her.

So, without fanfare, I will pull the plug on it this weekend.  I'm not saying I will stop taking pictures or whatever, but it won't be a public forum like this blog.  Maybe I'll just roll out an occasional email with a picture or two in it as I see fit.  Come Monday this link will no longer work, so if you want to copy anything here, now's your chance.

It's been fun!

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