Saturday, October 1, 2011

The Weekly Recap

As usual, there was a lot of the same this week.  The same attitudes, and the same people doing and saying the same things.  Our week was made a little more unusual though by the fact that Dale was out for three days.  I guess he went in for cataract surgery.  That meant that PO's were made by Mike or whoever was able to make them.  TJ was out one day for health reasons, and true to form, the Zzzzz went into is usual persona.  When he walked by me one time after coming out of the office he uttered the following line.  I immediately typed it into my iPod so I would get it exact:

"What a zoo... Dale's out and nobody can buy a tool that I need that's stopping the job." [pauses] "I don't get it." [pauses again]

Well, he apparently cried long or often enough because he did get whatever tool it was he needed.  He stopped next to me when he uttered that line--obviously trolling for a response.  It didn't work though.  I didn't even look up.

I guess I should stop calling Brook 'The Big Unit' and start calling him 'Big Man On Campus'.  He is working the system pretty well.  He probably thinks he has worked himself right into being a supervisor of some kind because that's how he is acting.  He is seldom in one place for longer than 5 or 10 minutes.  He walks all over the shop telling people things, asking people things, and doing little things.

I hope Dale is in good shape when he comes in on Monday.  He is one of my favorite characters at work.  Always dependable, knows his stuff, and an all around great guy.

I don't know what's eating Scott, but he's been really on edge for a few weeks now.  You seldom ever see him in a good mood.  Like I told Sue last night, maybe they told him they were selling the company... Maybe he's just feeling the wrath of our lack of Strippit press.

Gone: Nobody left this week that I know of.

New Arrivals: I think we have a returning CNC guy.  I'm not sure if he's going to start Monday or what, but I saw him unloading his toolbox down at the other big shop door a couple days ago.  It's that tall, happy guy that looks like a young Wink Martindale.  Did I say that Dave Cogburn came back a few weeks ago?

Broken Equipment: Strippit update:  Remember I said that I sent the computer to New York red/overnight the other day?  I heard Brook the BMOC tell Bernie yesterday that he called them and they were "going to start on it first thing Monday" or something similar.  Bernie looked at him in disbelief.  "What did we send it Red/overnight to em for?"  I bet that pissed him off.  BMOC just shrugged.

The bathroom update: Ha, what update?  The urinal is still broken and will likely be for some time.  I heard someone say that Derek said that it wasn't going to get fixed until they paid a repairman $75 an hour to do it.

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