BMOC* has been using "assumed position" tactics on a few of us. He walked up to me at my desk a few different times on Thursday assuming I was going to go back and run the Bruderer again. The first couple times he asked me if I was ready to go back there I said no. About the third time I said something like, "I have too much to do up here. I think you're going to have to find somebody else." He looked plainly annoyed. Apparently he mentioned it to somebody and before long Joe the shear guy was back there running it again. He has been using these tactics on Ben a lot too. I see him walk up to Ben, say something while pointing around, and swagger off somewhere else. It happens often. Yesterday while I was over in Ben's area packing a box to ship UPS I asked him, "Hey, the times when BMOC* stops here and talks to you, is he telling you to do stuff or what? He said, "Yeah, most of the time." I told him that, to my knowledge, he was not anyone's supervisor, and he was assuming he could hand out instructions to people. You know how Ben is--very quiet and nice to everyone. I told him, "All you have to do is, one of these times he tells you to do something, just say, 'Don't take this the wrong way, but I need to get that from Bruce or TJ' or something similar. Ben said he didn't know that. "I thought he was a supervisor," Ben said. I told him he apparently has Gary's old job description. He's the tooling setup guy--not a supervisor. We have a chain of command in a company for a reason: So everybody is on the same page and the right thing is being done by the right person at the right time. Anyway, I don't want to get anyone in trouble. If anything, I'm helping BMOC* stay out of trouble by trying to squelch a bit of his assumed authority.
Gone: The new guy in deburr. I think he worked there a total of 3 days--I'm not sure. I know he was 14 minutes late for his first full day so I knew it was just a matter of time. It kinda makes you wonder what kind of job a person is looking for. A job that's not a job?
New Arrivals: As I mentioned before, young Wink Martindale back. One of these days maybe I'll learn his name.
Broken Equipment: Believe it or not, the Strippit lives! Yesterday it was making it's sweet, rhythmic music all day long. It was probably putting a smile on most everyone's face. It's been down for almost a month and a half I think!
The leaky urinal got "fixed". The valve still leaks but it's leaking straight down the front into the urinal instead of into the floor so they'll probably leave it even though they ordered and received two valve repair kits.
It's been pretty much 'business as usual' there this week. Now that the Strippit is moving again we can whittle away at that backlog of 50+ jobs (I think) that are waiting to be ran. That means they will be running plenty of overtime in that, brakeform, and deburr while they play catch-up.
I don't know why I still pay attention--maybe it's because my desk is right there--but I guess it's safe to say that Luis The Incredible Hulk will never come in on time in the morning. One day he came in at 6:42!
OK, I had to get to the bottom to see who it was.