the weirdness started early, with no sign it'd stop.
It was a day when everybody's favorite Irish food restaurant, McDonald's, was offering 2 for 1 Eggamuffins. When I came in and offered my extra to TJ, he laughed and said, "I brought a whole bag of 'em in with me this morning!" I didn't have any trouble unloading my extra one, but it took me 3 tries to find a taker.
Yeah, it was a little different at work on Friday. It got off to a pretty early start too. For over a week there has been a couple of long strands of plastic packing pillows sitting idle. You know, those ones that companies put in the box when they ship something way too small to you. Anyway, we were waiting for the perfect opportunity to put the two strings of them under Ben's tires when he backed the trucks out in the morning. Friday was it. While it didn't go quite as planned, it was fun. Marc went running around behind him and put a string behind his left rear tires and I took the right. I then stepped back and tried to capture the event on video. I came out pretty bad, but at least you can get the idea. When you see him stop after the first few pops, Marc (who was on that side of his truck) said he mouthed the words, "WTF was that?" Marc was laughing and motioned him on so he could complete the stupid stunt for you readers. Pretty silly huh?
I wore my annual "one day a year" Harley Santa t-shirt, and of course also had my garish, red Santa hat too. This year I was surprised to find Scott C wearing one. He cut quite a picture wearing it with his "doctor of tooling" lab coat as you can tell from these pictures I sneaked when he wasn't looking:

She is seen here proudly posing on one of the 'new' anti-fatigue mats that came from the Seattle Aero auction a few days back. The color-coordinated fingerless gloves are a nice addition don't you think?

The weirdness seemed to come and go throughout the day. I did have a one of those "lightbulb moments" at one point when I saw Marc sitting in Bruce's old chair talking to Bzzz. I whipped this sign up real quick and reached in, taping it to the file cabinet next to where he was sitting. After we got a couple chuckles out of it, I felt it was better served where I snapped this picture of it a little later:
The day was complete when The Brothers handed out the yearly Christmas bonuses. Nothing says thank you like a piece of cured pork, right? I managed to get shot of Bernie and Elaine sharing a mirthful moment as Phil handed a check out to Richie behind her. I wonder how much trouble I'd be in if they would have seen me take this shot?
Merry Christmas!
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