My observation: At the rate they're going, the new HAAS machines will not power on for another six months.
The pile of installation supplies I mentioned in the previous blog that showed up Wednesday was finally opened up yesterday. Dale was pretty surprised. He was beginning to wonder when they would ever get into it and start working.
"They were both saying they needed it on Wednesday so they could get started!" Dale said excitedly. "They just had to have it right then," he continued, "I didn't even get a chance to shop around!"
That kinda stuff eats at him as we all well know.
A new punch tool showed up. Dale said, "He just had to have it." It was $85. Here's a little rundown. Here's the punch, followed by the biggest of the Tweedle Brothers wrenching on a conduit box:

After all that, here is the final product. It sort of looked like the threads were already getting ruined after only two holes:
All day long we kept seeing them doing the same sort of thing: Work on something for a minute, then disappear. Work, disappear. Imagine my surprise when I saw them putting a piece of conduit on the computer saw. They were probably thinking, "Hey, here's something we haven't played with yet... I bet we can kill a LOT of time with this!"
After they got it all set up on the saw, they spent quite a while messing with it. I could just hear them (not really)
"How do you work this thing?"
"I dunno... I thought you knew."
"It can't be that hard."
Finally, after a good 10 or 15 minutes (enough time they could have cut 20 of them with a hacksaw), they finally went over and got Joe the shear guy so they could lower his productivity to their level. After almost a half hour they had one cut. Can't you just see the head lice in these next pictures?

After all that work, nothing looks any different.
A short while later, I got this:
"What else can we buy?"
How about Dumb and Dumber